Published January 2024

Video: Give

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The five steps to wellbeing include connecting, taking notice, giving, keep learning and staying active, and our an integral part of the Farmstrong Scotland programme.

In this short video, Marc Gascoigne, a Farmstrong ambassador and diary farmer, touches on one of the steps – giving.

When you give to others, not only do they benefit, but it also makes you feel a lot happier. Consider the ways you can give back to the people around you, and don’t forget about yourself too.

This video was captured at the Farmstrong Scotland tour, hosted in January 2023 and welcomed hundreds of farmers and crofters to hear more about the Farmstrong Scotland story.

Wellbeing Hub

Stress Graphic

Resource: Stressed out?

May 2024

5 Steps

Resource: Five Steps to Wellbeing

February 2024


Video: Connecting

February 2024

Taking Notice

Video: Taking Notice

February 2024

Be Active

Video: Be Active

January 2024


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